The Annual 3D Triathlon Club Party Night!!

Its that time of year again ladies and gents .. The annual 3D Triathlon Club Party Night!! After a busy season of racing, its time to let our hair down and celebrate the event of the year.

We return to Medley on Saturday 10th November, so keep the date free and secure your ticket for this unmissable event!

The night promises to be an amazing, fun packed night so prepare yourself for some good company, good food, and great war stories from the 2018 season.  Some people may even get to leave with prizes! In fact, you get to have a say in who leaves with prizes. Vote for these awards through our party night page.

Partners, friends and random strangers all welcome!

Bookings are now closed


Turbo Training is Back!

Club turbo training resumes this Thursday 25th October

Improve your cycling speed and endurance without having to worry about weather, picking routes or traffic.

The benefits of indoor cycle training are well documented and you’ll thank yourself come racing season.

You should bring a water bottle, hand towel, change of clothes ( you will get VERY sweaty) a bike and a turbo. If you dont have a turbo the club has a limited number that we can loan out. Just email us at

Check the calendar for details of location and times.

This session is FREE for all members and will suit everyone as it is based on effort level rather than speed or power. The cheesy rock music is also at no extra charge


Free Coffee!!!!!! (or tea)

This Saturday we will be starting group cycling for the winter and just to ease you all back into it in the nicest way possible there will be a free coffee or tea for all participating members in the Visitor Centre Cafe afterwards. That’s right…free!

As always we will be split into different groups to suit everyone so if you’ve just finished the Tour De France or are fresh from taking the stabilisers off the bike for the first time you will be more than welcome.

If you are thinking about joining why not come along too for a chat. We wont bite ;-)


Friday Open Swims

As part of our Autumn training schedules our Friday swim sessions are open to


These will be starting on the 12th October and will run for 10 weeks

Coach: Mark Waters (Sub60 Swim and TriRX)

Cost will be €70 for the full block

Belvedere College Pool, In the water at 7:00pm sharp!

To sign up or ask us a question just email us at


70.3 Recce Swim

THe now traditional pre 70.3 swim will take place on Monday th6 August.

This will be an evening swim so keep an eye out on the club calendar for details as the day approaches

This swim is for current members only - no exceptions. to help manage numbers we are asking anyone interested to sign up via the the form below


See you out there


Inter Club TT

Tritanium Triathlon Club has been in contact and is organising an inter-club TT series starting on Sunday 25th March. This is open to every body to participate in. The aim is that this will become a regular event not run by a particular club, but rather shared between a few

It is over a 16km one way route ( easy cycle/cool down on the way back)

This is a great way to set yourself a benchmark at the start of the year and mark your progress as you continue. Its up to you how seriously or not you take this. 

While some of the club will be in Carlow for the first one I hope to see some of you joining me for the others



The Inter Club TT League will take place on the following dates (provisional):

Sunday 25th March – First Rider off at 12:00 noon

Sunday 29th April – First Rider off at 12:00 noon

Tuesday 15th May – First Rider off at 7:15pm

Tuesday 19th June – First Rider off at 7:15pm

Tuesday 17th July – First Rider off at 7:15pm (*Also Club Champs)

Tuesday 21st August – First Rider off at 7:15pm



  1. Hard Shell Helmets are compulsory.
  2. All Riders must sign on at the designated point, which closes 15 minutes before race start time, sharp.
  3. Only riders with a Triathlon Ireland license and who are registered with one of the participating clubs may take part.
  4. All riders will be on the matrix to marshal a time trial, if you are unable to make the date it is up to the rider to provide a suitable replacement. If you do not marshal there will be an automatic 12 MONTH BAN.
  5. Any rider caught or found to be intentionally littering, either on their way to the race, at the start line or during the race will be banned from the league for 12 months.
  6. Any abuse to fellow riders, officials or the public will result in instant dismissal from the TT/League & the committee will meet to decide appropriate disciplinary action.
  7. You must try and leave the finish line area as quickly as possible to minimise disruption to locals, as well as clear space for any riders that are following you.
  8. Riders must obey the rules of the road and officials at all times.
  9. No cameras or recording equipment is to be used or displayed on any rider or bike.
  10. Points are awarded to the top 6 finishes in each category (1st = 11, 2nd = 10, 3rd = 9, 4th = 8, 5th = 7, 6th = 6)
  11. Any rider who completes the Time Trial or marshals is awarded 5 points.
  12. A rider’s best 4 events out of the 6 will count for points towards the league title.
  13. The committee’s decision is final.

Block 3 Swimming

Block three of our 2018 swimming schedule is available for booking. This will bring us to the end of August

As per the previous block there will be swimming at 6:30 on Mondays aimed primarily at beginners and improvers. The 7:30 session will be aimed at improvers/advanced. The cost is €70 for 10 sessions

If you're not sure which session suits you best just drop us an email and we will sort you out

There will also be two un-coached lanes available at the 6:30 session also. The cost is €50 for the 10 sessions.

Please note that there is no Pay-as-you-go option currently available for any of these sessions, including the un-coached lane swimming. 

Click the button below to book your place now. You will need your password to access

There will also be limited spaces available in these sessions for non-club members (must be a paid up TI member though). Non-members should email us at to arrange


Training update

Hi everybody,

We are getting into race season so just thought we would give you an update on where we are with training

Tim's Brick Sessions have already commenced in the park. These are the perfect way to get race-ready or, if you are new to triathlon get a taste of what it is like to switch from cycling to running quickly. Specificity is a key component to training so there are huge benefits to be gained from practicing this changeover in a non-race setting. Details are on the calendar

Mid week cycling with Thomas will be starting on Wednesday 2nd May and will run for 5 weeks. These will be either hill sessions in Howth or fast repeats out by the airport. Keep an eye on the  calendar for details of each session

Open water swimming will be starting on Monday 7th May ( Bank Holiday Monday). This will be in the late afternoon to suit the tides but also to allow everyone to do some baking as we will be once again having a BAKE OFF to mark the first dip of the year. The emphasis in this session will be in getting into the water for acclimatisation not swimming any particular distance. If you haven't swam in the open water before this is the perfect way to start. We will be in groups so nobody will be swimming on their own. You will need a wetsuit for this. Email us if you need a bit of guidance on getting the right wetsuit for you.  These sessions will not be weekly but instead will be spread out over the summer and will vary between weekends and midweek depending on tides and weather. Locations will also change session to session. Details will be on the calendar

Our other training sessions are continuing but as we get fully into race season the frequency of group training sessions may lessen as people will be off actually racing!

The Club League is up and running too. THis is something everyone, from total newcomer to seasoned pro can compete in. Shiney prizes to be won!!!!

There will also be a few social events/nights over the summer which we will  keep you updated on.

This is YOUR club so if there is something that you think we should be doing but aren't, email us and let us know.

If you have any questions about the club, or triathlon in general just email us at and ask




New Training Block

Tri season is upon us!

In order to get you in peak racing condition we're offering a new training block! You can view it here.

We're offering a 10 week (8 sessions) beginner specific swim block. Come along regardless of age/fitness/ability/experience. Our knowledgeable coaches will help you develop (or perfect) your stroke so you can not only survive, but nail the swim portion of your triathlon. 

We're also offering club bike sessions on a Wednesday evening (keep an eye on the club calendar and Facebook group for more information).

Everyone's favourite Saturday brick sessions will kick off on the 7th April, again, keep an eye on the club calendar and Facebook page for all the info!


Brick Sessions

Brick session Sat 930-11 (7th April), meet at the Pope’s Cross carpark, Phoenix park. Session venue: Furze road (if you are late) - aka half way up the Kyber pass. Format: (i) bike + run warm-up (15 mins) (ii) main set (30-40 mins) (iii) warm-down. All welcome.
Bricks will run every Sat 930-11 to June
(except 21st April, duathlon in park)
Bricks are THE MOST IMPORTANT SESSION for triathletes. I cannot emphasise this enough. Training is all about specificity, and bricks replicate most elements of the race experience. Perfect practise delivers performance and all that. Plus you are in a group, so pushing yourself is easier, and we go for coffee/cake in the VC afterwards for a chat. Come along.
Essential gear: helmet, bike, runners, your usual cycling/running gear (always bring extra clothes, you're in Ireland not the Sahara).
Recommended gear: bike shoes, triathlon-specific lock laces on your runners, leggings to simulate a wetsuit.
During the session you can leave extra gear in your bag at transition where it will be secure.
Remember all are welcome, fast/slow, new/experienced.
The bricks will involve doing repeats of cycling, transitioning and running to replicate a race environment as much as possible. Learning to run after cycling hard, how to transition quickly, and how to pace are key things you will get from this sessions, in addition to the novelty of the new sessions, group training and improvement in speed.


Club Gear

Come and get it! We've teamed up with Triathlon Ireland to save you bundles of money and get you looking your very best this tri season! 

Just click on this link to be brought to the TI website where you can buy all sorts of 3D branded goodies. They have everything from tri-suits to socks, to running gear (for those of you looking to transition into one discipline). All delivered straight to your door, no need to wait.

The good news doesn't stop there though. To encourage you to don the orange and black the club will subsidize the purchase of club gear! Check out the table at the bottom of this page for details of the exact discount.

To avail of this offer you must be a current member.

Email your  order confirmation to us at with the subject line 'Club Gear Discount'  and we will pass on the saving to you.




Club Training Weekend 23rd - 25th March 2018 -BOOKINGS CLOSED


The cost will be €130.

This booking form will be the only way to secure your place. Book early - max 70 spaces available. 

Closing date for sign up is Monday 12th March or when we reach max capacity.

This weekend is great value and is subsidised by the club. So what do you get for €130:

- 2 nights b&b, 2 lunches & dinners in the Seven Oaks Hotel
- organised group cycle to/from Carlow - groups based on ability
- pilates instruction
- coached run session with Andy Kinane
- coached swim session with Tim Downing - all levels
- Plus our special guest speaker Feargal Sommerville, Open water Channel swimmer, Ice Mile...
Please note:
- massage will also be available
- you must be a paid 3D member 2018 to attend this weekend
- option to drive/carpool/get train if you want to enjoy the non cycling elements of the weekend.
- all cyclists must attend 3 club spins in advance, with just 6 weeks to go now is the ideal time to start putting in some Winter miles.

If you have any queries please contact

- Ciaran Fitzgibbon re any concerns over cycle ability and accommodation queries


Fingers crossed on the weather, 3D Abu!


Tri Leaders course

As discussed at the AGM we are trying to organise a specific Tri Leaders course just for our members but require a certain number to commit to be able to do this.
If its something you are interested in please just fill out the form by clicking on the image below so that we can see how many we have. If you have questions about it please email us at (put 'Tri Leaders' in the subject line)

3D Open Night

What are your goals for 2018? 

Do you want to get fit, meet new people, and join one of the fastest growing sports in Ireland?

On 20 January 2018 3D are hosting an open night in the Black Sheep Pub on Capel St. at 7.30pm. Come meet current club members and hear about their stories and learn about what's involved in training for your first triathlon. We are an inclusive club open to everyone from those who have never done a triathlon before to those seasoned veterans looking towards Kona, or even just a podium!

Why not spend a few hours enjoying some food, craft beer, and chatting about all things triathlon with some people who like to train hard and relax harder! 

e-mail if you have any questions or would like more information! 


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