New Year, New Training Block

With the start of the new year come s the new training block

Our first session of 2018 is pm Saturday 6th January with a run in Phoenix Park followed by a group cycles on Sunday with the emphasis firmly on coffee stops!!

Check the calendar for details.

For this block we will be running swims on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in Belvedere and Santry

Midweek runs will be on Tuesdays 

Improve your efficiency, power and resistance to injury with our Strength and Conditioning classes which happen every Thursday night at 7:30 in Scoil Bharra, with Mark from Absolute Fitness. This is suitable for everyone fro newbies to elites

This is followed by a group turbo session at 8:30. The turbo sessions are member-led and suitable for all ( they are also completely free!!!). The club has a limited number of turbos available for hire so just contact us at if you want to get your hands on one.

If you have any queries about any of this just drop us a line


Come and Get it! Club Memberships!

Now that it's December 1, it's time to renew your membership to the greatest triathlon club on Earth* Triathlon Ireland have now opened up their annual membership (here). For insurance purposes, you MUST hold a valid TI license in order to train with us! There are several different membership options to choose from including training licenses for those of you who would prefer the camaraderie of training without the pressure of competing to a full race license. If you do go the training license option, you can purchase a 1 day race license from TI if you choose to race. When you purchase your new Race/Training/Joint membership, don't forget to join 3D!

TI License.png


This year TI has teamed up with Swim Ireland to offer a joint Race License plus a Swim Ireland membership for €80.  The SI membership allows you to take part in specific open water swims without having to buy an additional membership. In 2017 we had a few members of 3D taking part in the open water swims to great success (Dee Tully and Carmel Farrell, I'm lookin' at you!).

If you have any questions please e-mail

*the above statement that 3D is the best triathlon club on Earth may or may not represent the viewpoints of every one else on Earth.

12 Pubs of Christmas

It's that time of year again where we spread tidings of good comfort and joy...and punish our guessed it, it's the 12 Pubs of Christmas time! This year we're starting just off of Baggot St. at McGrattan's Cafe Bar (see the handy Google Map below) at 5.45 pm on Saturday 9 December. We'll make our way down Baggot Street onto Stephen's Green and finally onto George's Street. See the full list of pubs and approximate timings below. On the day, we'll also be posting in the Facebook Group to let everyone know where we are! We are recommending people do NOT wear ugly Christmas jumpers/romper suits/the like (we will of course make an exception for El Capitan who must wear a festive romper). In terms of mid-session food, we'll be passing Grafton Street so there is the opportunity for Burger King/McDonalds or there is a noodle bar just beside the Hairy Lemon. Nollaig Shona everyone, can't wait to see you all there!

  • 5.45 McGrattan's
  • 6.15 Toner's
  • 6.45 Doheny & Nesbitt
  • 7.15 Reilley's
  • 7.45 Foley's
  • 8.15 O'Donoghues
  • 9.00 Sinnott's
  • 9.30 Harry's on the Green
  • 10.00 Hairy Lemon
  • 10.30 Capitol
  • 11.00 Hogan's
  • 11.30 Market Bar




Bike Fitting

Mark your calendars! Bike fit day is 27 January 2018!

We are organising a bike fit day on Saturday 27 Jan (pending required numbers) with Aidan Hammond of Bike Fitting Ireland. Details of what occurs is below. If you want to take part (NOT are you interested) add your name to the Club web site page ( Places will be on a first come first served basis and we require a minimum of 7 bikes and the maximum limit is 14.

Location will be local, probably Cabra.

Any other questions contact Thomas Duffy at or via the 3D Facebook group.

Cost is 70e for a road bike 85e for a TT bike or road bike with TT bars. 40e for a 2nd bike on the day.

What to Expect:

Each rider gets a full hour. 30 mins with Michelle (Physical Therapist, Level 2 Cycling Ireland Coach and Tutor and former international rider) who checks their core and flexibility, measures them up, and goes through their cycling and injury history and goals.

They then spend 30 mins with Aidan on the turbo where he checks hip movements, knee angles, torso angles and arm and hand position when cycling, and he will do a couple of simple tests with them on the bike. Aidan makes whatever changes are needed, each rider is emailed a sheet with their bike measurements before and after and any recommendations. Aidan will also check shoe and cleat set up. He will also bring stems, cleats and saddles with him if a rider wants them on the day at a basic cost.


Kona Kountdown

With the Ironman World Championships mere days away, all eyes are on Kona, Hawaii and our intrepid three: 

  • Alan Kenny (#1734)
  • Andy Kinane (#1736)
  • Kevin Gilleece (#1707)

We're pretty sure that there has never been an Irish Club that had three of its members attend the world championships in the same year, so make sure you have your athlete tracker app installed on your phone (Ironman do ones for Android and iOS and there are also several good third part apps out there too)

If our calculations are correct the lads should be starting at 18:05 Irish time (07:05 in Hawaii)

To watch live you either need to actually be there ( Maire and Grace have decided to take that option) or watch on Red Bull TV (also available in tablets and phones)

Just qualifying for Kona is a massive achievement so we are all massively proud of the lads and will be roaring for them from the other side of the planet!

3D Abú!!


Want an insight into what makes The Speedy Ones so speedy? Click the button 



Hi All,

The 3D Triathlon Club Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for October 20th at 7:30pm and will be held in the downstairs room of The Stags Head Bar, 1 Dame Court, Dublin 2.

All members new and old are very welcome to attend and we would encourage as many of you as possible to do so.

An agenda will be circulated in advance and there will be an opportunity for all members in attendance to present any other business they wish for discussion and to ask questions.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in attendance.





Ironman Dublin 70.3 2017

The big day is nearly here! For the 20 club members ( that's right, 20!) doing the race its time to start thinking about packing your transition bag, giving your bike a quick once over and deciding where the post race refreshments are going to be.
So, I would like to wish the very best of luck to:

Martin McCaffery #118
Andy Kinane #147
Jason Corbett #225
Robert Nagy #226
Lukasz Szwed #423
Sameer Rane #424
Dean Savery #425
Simon Befort #426
Sean Rooney #427
Giannini Vito #428
Ronan Flynn #429
Peter McGoey #430
Thibaut Lust #431
Iwan Harmsen #432
Kevin Coughlan #433
Adrian Rutledge #434
Ian Devlin #435
Alan Dilleen #436
Karina Murray #738
Emma McMenamy #795

for the rest of mere mortals, we have our job to do as well, namely cheering, making lots of noise and making our presence felt on the course.
In other words 3D CORNER!
Location is shown on the attached image. By standing there we get to see everyone twice on each lap of the run.
Just to give you an idea of timing, the REALLY fast guys should be entering the park on their bikes roughly between 9:30 and 10:00, so Im planning on being there from about 10:00- 10:30 ( depending on how much of a lie-in I need on the day), but we can fine tune the schedule closer to the time.
So, grab everything orange that you can, feel free to bring something noisy (cowbells, rattles, your voice), prepare some healthy snacks and get ready to spend Sunday morning cheering on your clubmates and also several hundred total strangers.

3D Abu!!!

Club Time Trials

Everyone should be fully into their stride at this stage in the season so we are organising a few time trials so that everyone can see where they are. 

For those who did these last year this can be used to measure your progress.

For those new to the club or TTs, this is an opportunity to set a benchmark from which your progress can be measure.

The course is fairly flat, with two roundabouts to negotiate just outside Dunboyne. Please note that these are on open roads so rules of the road and basic common sense apply. 

Check out the training calendar for details of dates, times and location.

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Open Water Swimming Sessions

Now that the water is (marginally) warmer it is everyone s favorite time of the year - open water swimming season!!

This year these sessions will be lead by Carmel Farrell and Claire Jones

The first session will be on Monday 1st May  at 7pm at the 40 foot

The dates of the rest of the sessions are

Sunday 14th May - 2pm Ladies Shelter, Bull Wall,  Clontarf

Tuesday 23th May - 40 Foot, meet at 7:20 in the water at 7:30

Thursday 1st June

Tuesday 6th June

Tuesday 13th June

Sunday 18th June

Tuesday 4th July

Keep an eye on our Training Calendar  for updates on exact location and time.

Please also bear in mind that tides and weather can effect time and location so if in doubt just ask!!

These sessions are wetsuit mandatory. However, if you reckon you're made of sterner stuff, the Masters section of the club go swimming without wetsuits. 

If you have any questions just email 

Women in Tri Leadership roles

At this year's Triathlon Ireland AGM there was a seminar dedicated to discussing the topic of women in leadership roles in triathlon in Ireland.

The TI Board had noticed that excellent female participation levels of 35% do not translate into similar levels of female involvement in other areas of our sport.  For example only 10% of the board, club chairs and race organisers are female while the figures for TOs and coaches is 25%.

Jean Wallace and Derval Cromie attended the event on behalf of the club

Click the button below to read some of the notes that were taken.

If this is something you have ideas about, want to get involved directly in or think we could be doing things better we want to hear from you. Just email us at



Brick Sessions




The brick sessions will run at 9:30am on Saturdays,  meeting at the Pope's Cross, with dates from 22nd April to 17th June inclusive. The sessions are open to all club members, will last from 9:30-11:00, and will include advice on transitioning effectively. Tim Downing will be running these sessions.

They will take place half-way up the Khyber Pass, bar 22nd April due to the pesky Belpark duathlon the same morning and location.

A brick session consists of a short cycle with a rapid dismount followed by a short run, repeated a few times. This simulates the second transition in a Triathlon and gets you used to the switch in effort from one muscle group to another. 


Welcome to the 3D Club League 2017!

Welcome to the 3D Club League 2017!

The racing season is almost upon us, with an excellent pool based opener Portlaoise Try-a-Tri and Sprint almost upon us - 8th April 2017

Entry details:

This year the club league will allow our athletes to compete on the national stage by taking part in the Triathlon Ireland National Series whilst competing in our 3D club league.

Both will follow roughly the same format in that four events will count, with a requirement to complete in at least one Sprint and one Olympic distance.

A few distinctions between the Club League and the National Series:

  •  3D Club league will attract bonus points (10 points) for those competing in a distance for the first time.
  •  Bonus points (five points)  will be awarded for a number of specific events listed below.
  •  A number of additional events have been added to the Club League not listed on the National Series.

Have a great year, most importantly enjoy and encourage each other along the way.


3D Abu!



The start of the racing season is upon us and possibly the most beginner friendly race will kick off on 8th April in Portlaoise.

This race consists of a pool swim (750m for the sprint and 400m for the Try-a-Tri), a 19km cycle and 5 km run.

This is a great race to cut your teeth on and 3D have always been well represented, both in the race and among the spectators. Even if you are an experienced triathlete there is no better way to kickstart your season.

Entries close on 31st March so don't miss out.