3D Triathlon takes over St Anne's parkrun on 04/02

Come be a race marshall with us and show the club colours in St Anne's parkrun on Saturday morning 04/02 at 9.30am! All volunteers will enter a raffle to win a free entry to any individual race from Lough Cutra Castle happening on May 27th in Galway (aquathlon, duathlon or triathlon, distances from super sprint to sprint+) !

Legs tingling? Race the 5k instead and improve your personal best!

Conveniently located next to food trucks and coffee shops, we will be able to meet afterwards for a chat and meet our new joiners.

Sign up with Parkrun here: https://www.parkrun.ie/stannes/

Let us know if you can make it, either as a marshall or as a race participant!

Marshall responsibilities include guiding the participants and cheering for them.

Booking available for Belvedere Swimming

Belvedere Swims are back


Belvedere Swims are back 〰️

Booking for Tuesday and Thursday swimming now available on the club booking page


We need a new Chairperson

Main responsibilities:

  • Liaise with secretary on the agenda for each Committee meeting

  • Approve the minutes before they are circulated

  • Chair committee and general meetings

  • Ensure the committee operates in the best interest of the club and its members

  • Coordinate communication within the committee

2022 Committee

If you want to know more before committing or are interested contact



Other responsibilities:

  • Help out the other committee members where required

  • Review committee roles in advance of AGM

  • Ensure new committee members feel included

  • Liaise with Club Treasurer on costs of all associated with the role before launching any plan

Time required:

Minimum 1 hour per month for Committee meetings

Adhoc time to keep up to date with Club activities/read minutes

3D Tri Club Training Duathlon - Sat 26th March

Interested in joining a triathlon club?

…come along for a chat. Learn about triathlon, and join a “training duathlon” session.


Location: 15 acres, Phoenix Park

When: Saturday the 26th of March

9:30am: Transition and bike handling workshop

10:15am: Duathlon

  • 2.5km run

  • 20k cycle

  • 2.5km run

After: chats, tea/coffee, and most importantly well deserved treats


If participating in the session you’ll need: bike, helmet*, runners.

*no helmet = cannot participate

All members are encouraged to attend as: participant, marshal, volunteer, spectator, baker*, barista.

*no experience necessary


Book Training

It’s still possible to join the track sessions or Pilates.

Track session at ALSAA with Dave Cahill.

Triathlon-specific Pilates (lots of balance, core, injury prevention) with Barbara Kruta.

The blocks are underway if you sign up you only pay for the remaining sessions.

See booking page here: www.3dtri.ie/book-training

As usual, for other sessions check out the weekly WhatsApp updates. If you’re a member and you don’t get these, let us know at hello@3dtri.ie

Training starting for 2022

Track running sessions at ALSAA. Monday night. Starting 10th of January.

Coached by Dave Cahill.

The last two sessions in the previous block are PAYG. Book here: https://www.3dtri.ie/book-training

Also, the next 6 week block starts up on the 24th

Swimming at NAC. Tuesday / Wednesday night. Starting 11th of January.

Coached by Danny Roe and Sean Farrell respectively.

Booking here: https://www.3dtri.ie/book-training

Training Plan

Drop us a line at hello@3dtri.ie to join the WhatsApp group (training notifications only) and get the weekly training plan.


7:30pm - 28th October 2021 - Zoom

3D Tri will be holding its annual general meeting online via Zoom on Thursday 28th October at 7:30pm.

Hi All,

Ahead of the AGM this Thursday 28/10/2021 at 7:30pm on Zoom; please find below the final agenda, The minutes from last year's AGM, financial statement for 2021 and zoom link will be sent to your registered email address. If you have any questions there will be the opportunity to raise them at the start of the meeting.

3D Triathlon has been built and sustained through the support of our fantastic members and volunteers. All roles will be available on the night, and several of our current committee members have indicated they will not be seeking renomination. We are looking for volunteers and nominations for all roles but we critically need nominations for Chair and PRO.

Please let us know if you are interested in any position and we will send on the description. There is also the possibility of non committee roles where needed if you can help with (Cycling Rotas/ Website/ GDPR/ Risk Assessments/ Other skills etc) but can not commit to a committee role.

Looking forward to seeing you all there,

3D Abú


Club Secretary

1 - 3D Triathlon Club Chairperson to open meeting

2- 2020 Annual General Meeting Minutes to be approved

3- Officer’s Reports

4- Review of the club training

5- Updates to the Constitution

6-Any Other Business - An open floor to members

7- Current committee to step down from their roles

8- Election of new committee members for 2021 / 2022

Outgoing committee

Chair - Declan O'Beirne

Secretary - Jo Flahive

Treasurer - Marie Duffy

Membership officer - Niall Behan

Training officer - Gaëtan Le Page and David Cahill

Public relations officer - James Barry

Social officer - Peter Clarke and Stephen Smyth

Gear officer - Peter McGoey

Ordinary member - Stephen McHale

Child and vulnerable adult officer - Caitriona Wray

Women in sports officer - Claire McGonagle

Technical officer - Jo Flahive

3D Tri AGM - 28th October 2021

7:30pm - 28th October 2021 - Zoom

3D Tri will be holding its annual general meeting online via Zoom on Thursday 28th October at 7:30pm.

We all felt that last year's AGM was very successful and had a great attendance, we are hoping you will all join us again to look back on our 2021 season and plan for next year, and build on the work done this year!

[The meeting link will be sent to your registered email address and the club whatsapp group, please contact a member of the committee if you have not received it]

Below is the draft agenda. The committee will be adding to this over the coming weeks but if there is anything you wish to add please let us know. 2021 has presented some unique challenges covid and not-covid. Our committee have been busy trying new venues, new sessions, and 'virtual' training supports. We'd love your feedback on the work done.

Getting to the T+C part; as per the club constitution if anyone wishes to propose a change to the constitution they must submit that proposal at least 14 days in advance of the AGM , i.e by 7pm on the 14th October.

At the AGM a new committee will be elected. We are looking for men and women passionate about Triathlon and 3D Tri, a number of committee members have indicated they will be stepping back, and all positions will be open on the night. In particular we are looking for people interested in taking on the roles of chairperson or secretary. Our current committee comes from all levels and experience of the sport and club; all thoughts and voices are welcome. If you have any questions about any of the roles just ask, descriptions of typical tasks and responsibilities are available.

This is your opportunity to have your say on how your club is run, so don't miss out.

3D Abú


Club Secretary

1 - 3D Triathlon Club Chairperson to open meeting

2- 2020 Annual General Meeting Minutes to be approved

3- Officer’s Reports

4- Review of the club training

5- Club weekend 2021

6- Updates to the Constitution

7- Any Other Business - An open floor to members

8- Current committee to step down from their roles

9- Election of new committee members for 2021 / 2022

Outgoing committee

Chair - Declan O'Beirne

Secretary - Jo Flahive

Treasurer - Marie Duffy

Membership officer - Niall Behan

Training officer - Gaëtan Le Page and David Cahill

Public relations officer - James Barry

Social officer - Peter Clarke and Stephen Smyth

Gear officer - Peter McGoey

Ordinary member - Stephen McHale

Child and vulnerable adult officer - Caitriona Wray

Women in sports officer - Claire McGonagle

Technical officer - Jo Flahive

New Swimming Block Open

Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:30pm. Clontarf Baths.

6 swims.

The first on the 24th of August, the last on the 28th of September.

!!! Open to 3D members only. Booking ahead of time is required

!!! Note that the water will be pretty cold, so this would not be suitable for people learning how to swim. All other levels accommodated though

!!! Wetsuit is required.

Changing is outdoors, at the side of the baths, practicing physical distancing at all times. There is enough space in the water for physical distancing also.

If you've any questions, post on the Facebook forum or email us at hello@3dtri.ie.

Please see Triathlon Ireland guidance for open water swimming:


Track Running Sessions

Starting Monday 24th of May we’ll be kicking off a  6 week track session from 7:00 - 8:00 PM at the ALSAA Old Airport Road, Toberbunny, Dublin Airport

€20 for 6 weeks so book here: 


Designed  to improve 5k and 10k to half marathon times. Sessions will vary between  400ms 800s at target 5k pace to speed endurance sets of up to 1k or 1200m reps. In conjunction with longer tempo and endurance / aerobic efforts on a Wednesday in the park these will be anaerobic efforts designed to increase both speed and speed endurance.

See Google map location: https://goo.gl/maps/kVJHHAiH8FtvWXwG6