Strength and Conditioning (Tri Specific) Classes

Strength and Conditioning (tri specific) classes with Babs are back!! 

Will include some power based exercises with elements of Yoga and Pilates.

Expect also stretching, mobility and deep core exercises with occasional cardio kick.

These classes are designed for injury prevention and performance enhancement.

Classes will be on Thursday 5:30pm (zoom link will be sent out) starting next week and need to be booked in advance. 

€24 for 6 week block 

€5 for drop individual session


Virtual Club Open Day

Sunday 24th January

The Agenda

  • Club intro - Who are we, club history, etc

  • Introduce some club members

  • Why get into tri / what's great / sell the dream etc

  • Training locations and explainer on how we operate both under and outside of Covid restrictions

  • Q&A

Topic: 3D Tri Virtual Open Day

Time: Jan 24, 2021 04:00 PM Dublin

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 927 6752 9690

Passcode: 3dtri2021


3D Tri AGM - 27th October 2020

7:30pm - 27th October 2020 - Zoom

3D Tri will be holding its annual general meeting online via Zoom on Tuesday 27th October at 7:30pm

[The meeting link has been sent to your registered email address and the club whatsapp group, please contact a member of the committee if you have not received it]

The committee has chosen to hold the AGM online due to the changing nature of Covid-19 requirements.

A link will be sent out to all members with the finalised agenda closer to the event.

Open Positions

At the AGM a new committee will be elected. We are looking for men and women passionate about Triathlon and 3D Tri, a number of committee members have indicated they will be stepping back, and all positions will be open on the night.

Our current committee comes from all levels and experience of the sport and club; all thoughts and voices are welcome. If you have any questions about any of the roles just ask.

Get Involved

The AGM is your opportunity to have your say on how your club is run, so don't miss out.

As per the club constitution if anyone wishes to propose a change to the constitution they must submit that proposal at least 14 days in advance of the AGM, i.e by 7:30pm on the 12th October.

2020 has presented new challenges for all of us, but we are committed to providing the best possible club experience for all new and returning members. 

3D Abú


3D Club Training Aquathon - 19th of September - EVENT CANCELLED

Update 18/9/2020

Hi All, we’re very sad to announce that we have decided to cancel our training Aquathlon/ Swimathon. In accordance with advice from Triathlon Ireland issued tonight; they are advising that ‘no club pool sessions can take place’ including in outdoor pools until further clarification is received from Sport Ireland. We are very sorry for any disappointment this has caused, all money will be refunded. We hope to see you all again soon.

There will be a limited numbers run in the park tomorrow as this is permitted under the Irish Government Resilience and Recovery Level 3 guidelines.


The swim will be pool based and run on Clontarf promenade.

2 distances to choose from: 800m or 400m swim followed by 5km run.

Click below to book. Entry closes Monday 14th August.

3D Summer Party @ Clontarf Baths - DATE CHANGE Saturday 1st August

Hi everyone, there has been a date change and we will be having our Summer BBQ at Clontarf baths on Saturday 1st of August.

The Clontarf Baths has an indoor restaurant + bar area that also opens out onto a balcony so it is COVID friendly in that it is a mix of indoors and outdoors combined. They have a fixed amount of tables and spaced out accordingly. There are outdoor heaters and blankets etc to cater for all types of weather.

We will be sharing the area with club, WattsUp Studio, plenty of craic to be had.

Social distancing and adequate COVID-19 protocols can be adhered to.

There is a set food menu and a bar area, We will have the area from 7/7:30PM - 12/12:30 AM


Tickets are €20 (were €25).


Book Training June/July 2020

Clontarf Baths - Tuesdays 6:00am Block Book PAYG

23 June - 21 July
Open to Triathlon Ireland members
All levels swim block. Uncoached, with training sets provided.
Block book €40

Clontarf Baths - Fridays 7:30pm Block Book PAYG

26 June - 24 July
All levels swim block.
Coach Danny Roe - see
Block book €40

Pilates - Thursdays 7:00pm PAYG

Coach Barbara Kruta


Clontarf Baths - 19th June 2020

  • Note that we’ll have a casual lane, if people want this, where you are free to do as much/little swimming as fast/slow as you want.

  • For other lanes, we'll aim to split folks up by pace.

  • Each lane should agree amongst themselves beforehand what set to follow, or if going to alter it.

  • Remember that changing rooms are closed due to COVID-19 - bring a big towel for changing.

  • The water is approx 16C, so a wetsuit is highly recommended.

  • Having the chats afterwards is definitely recommended (at 2m distance), so consider bringing a warm drink and a snack :)

  • Book here before midday on Friday the 19th

Suggested Swim Set

Lane 1

Lane 2 / 3
Beginners / >2:00min/100m pace

  • 2 * 40 warmup (80m)

  • 4 * 20m sprint + 20m slow - floating start, 20s rest (160m)

  • 2 * 40m sighting every 3rd stroke, 20s rest (80m)

  • 4 * 80m descending - first length easy, second stronger, 20s rest (320m)

  • Easy 2 * 40 cool down

Lane 4
<2:00min/100m pace

  • 4 * 40 warmup (160m)

  • 4 * 20m sprint + 20m slow - floating start, 20s rest (160m)

  • 4 * 40m sighting every 3rd stroke, 20s rest (160m)

  • 4 * 80m descending - first length easy, second stronger, 20s rest (320m)

  • 2 * 240 steady - 6 lengths, last length faster, 1m rest (720m)

  • Easy 4 * 40 cool down

Lane 5

  • 6 * 40 warmup (240m)

  • 6 * 20m sprint + 20m slow - floating start, 20s rest (240m)

  • 4 * 40m sighting every 3rd stroke, 20s rest (160m)

  • 6 * 80m descending - first length easy, second stronger, 20s rest (480m)

  • 3 * 240 steady - 6 lengths, last length faster, 1m rest (720m)

  • Easy 4 * 40 cool down


Return to Training

Hi all, following on from Triathlon Ireland guidelines we are still unable to do large group activities :(

The guidelines state that 4 people can train (running only) as a “pod”. This pod must be the same 4 people throughout phase 1. We can provide training plans for “pods” until the 8th of June. We will complete the risk assessment, provide training plans for people who are interested in this.

When thinking of your “pod” think about location (5km from each other) and what day is best for you. If you are interested in forming a pod please email It would be the responsibility of the pod to link in with one another.

Please see guidelines, and we encourage everyone to read and adhere to them.

Virtual Training Plan: 30th March to 12th April


Triathlon/swim coach Mark Waters ( has setup customised training plans to help us get through lockdown.

The training plans will compliment our group sessions, above, and aim to keep us in shape while respecting government guidelines around Covid 19.

Get setup by creating a free account on

Then to get access, reply to the post on the Facebook forum, or email, and state if you'd go for BEGINNER or ADVANCED.

3D abú

Corona Virus Emergency Training Pack

Update 28th of March

3D Tri urges its members to comply with the restrictions put in place - to stay at home from 28th of March, except essential workers travelling to work and other exceptions.

  • To shop for food or household goods or collect a meal. 

  • For vital family healthcare reasons  - social family visits are prohibited.

  • To take physical exercise individually or with children from the family.

People who do leave their homes for exercise will be required to stay within a 2km radius.

Tempo Running Sets - 5 interval tempo sessions - good to mix these up with long run sessions and interval sessions.

Turbo Trainer Sets - 4 weeks of sets aimed at sprint/Olympic distance, and also at longer distances. Lots of good info here from our turbo coach.

If you’re on Facebook, get on the 3D Tri Group to get some motivation. There’s a 30 day ab challenge under way, amongst other craic :)

Strength and conditioning videos from British Triathlon - we did these with Barry Jameson as part of the training weekend

3D abú!
